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Information sharing

You're a creator on Herohero. What information about you are we required to share with state authorities?

Updated over a week ago

The data that we are obliged to disclose to the state about you are:

  1. Your identification data - name, surname, business name, date of birth, identification number, place of residence, registered office or business address.

  2. The identifier of your bank account to which we pay you monthly the collected subscription amounts for your creation on Herohero.

  3. The total amount due to you as a reward for your work on Herohero. (Note: The amount is shown gross, that is, before our fee / provision for placing your work is taken into account).

  4. Details of the amounts we deduct as a fee / provide for allowing you to operate on Herohero.

  5. The number of payments you have received from your subscribers.

Information Obligation

We are obliged to inform you that we request and pass on the data of the tax authority, which is imposed on us by law.

What happens if you don't provide all the required information?

We already manage most of the information that is legally required to be shared with the state. However, we may require additional information to fulfil our legal obligations.

❗️If you do not provide us with the necessary information based on our request, we have the obligation to contact you up to two times. In case you do not respond within 60 days, either your account will be temporarily deactivated without the possibility of creating a new one, or the payment of the aggregate sums for the subscription of your subscribers will be withheld until you provide us with the necessary information.

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